Setting up Trust wallet (Smartphone)

To get a tradeable account in the Trust app.

Get (copy) the ”Phrase” from your MyEtherWallet – normally 12 or 24 words separated by single spaces.
You have these details from when you created your MyEtherWallet

Download Trust on Appstore for your iPhone/iPad or Google Play for your Android device
Open Trust
Push Setting in the low right corner
Hit “Wallets” in the top
Hit the “+” mark in the right top corner
Hit “Import Wallet”
Chose “Ethereum”
Insert (paste) the “Phrase” you got from MyEtherWallet.
And now you have a working account in Trust and any tokens you already own will automagically appear in your wallet.

For purchase and sale on;

Open Trust app
Hit “DApps” in the low bar
In the top, type in: and press “go”
And now you are on the website and ready to trade.
For convenience, you should hit the menu (three small circles) next to the site address, and press “Add bookmark”. Providing a quick way to access the exchange. Steps will be:
Open Trust app.
Hit “DApps” in the low bar
Hit “Bookmarks” on the second lowest bar
Then hit the bookmark of Stealthexchange, chose your coin and you are ready to trade.